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TRC: Land Surface Temperatures, Air Temperature, and Greenness


Updated: Jun 18, 2024

In this Teacher / Researcher Collaborative (TRC) event, we learned about the exciting research of Dr. Morgan Levy and Laney Wicker at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego. This TRC was supported by the SoCal Heat Hub, which includes resources shared in this blog post. Click the video below to watch the recorded event and look below for the key resources that were shared. Also, if you missed this one, please click here to sign up for our next TRC event.

Resources from the Research Team



How you can use it with students

​Presentation Slide Deck

Gain access to the figures and ideas on land surface temperatures, air temperature, and greenness.

​Land Surface Temperature Maps

Compare how there are differences in temperature versus the built environment. Look for connections with landscaping, natural areas, and materials surfaces are made from. Great connections to studying heat and energy.

Resources from the Teaching Team



How you can use it for teaching and/or research

​Jamboard of teacher ideas on the following prompts:

What would you want to see on the map - what do you need to use this with your students?

How might you share what you have learned and your journey as a learner with your students? What data literacy routine would you use to support all students?

How do you engage your students when you share data with them? (visual map based data)

Where do you see connections to your curriculum? How will you engage students with this?

​Lots of great ideas on how to share data with students and how to make connections with the data shared and supporting student learning.

Join us at our next Teacher / Researcher Collaborative event!



San Diego Science Project

UC San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, Mail Code 0036
La Jolla, CA 92093-0036

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San Diego Science Project | UC San Diego | 9625 Scholars Drive North | Ridge Walk Academic Complex Building 1, Third Floor | La Jolla, CA 92093-0036

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